importorg.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFDocument;importcom.itextpdf.text.Document;importcom.itextpdf.text.Paragraph; 1. 2. 3. 这些库分别是Apache POI用于操作Word文档,iText用于操作PDF文档。 创建Word文档对象 XWPFDocumentdocument=newXWPFDocument(); 1. 创建一个空的Word文档对象。 设置文档内容 paragraph=do...
This java program will convert a Word document to a PDF document using Qoppa’s libraryjOfficeConvert. // Load the documentWordDocument wdoc=newWordDocument("input.doc");// Save the document as a PDF filewdoc.saveAsPDF("output.pdf"); ...
Convert Word Docx to PDF in Java from URL to method will convert the Docx to PDF and will generate the file using the standard page format string such as "A4", "Letter" etc. and and save the file to the specified OutputStream or File and page orientation such as "...
JODConverter,是一个Java的OpenDocument文件转换器,可以进行许多文件格式的转换。它依赖于OpenOffice.org或者LibreOffice提供的服务来进行转换,它能将Microsoft Office文档(Word,Excel,PowerPoint)转换为PDF格式。 其本身使用Java编写,开源,跨平台,同时OpenOffice和LibreOffice也是开源跨平台的,能适应更多场景,也能避免一些版权问题。
Java XWPFConvert PDF模糊 Java XWPFConvert PDF模糊 引言 在Java开发中,经常需要进行文档的转换,其中将Microsoft Word文档(.docx)转换为PDF是一种常见的需求。Apache POI是一个流行的Java库,用于处理Microsoft Office文档。XWPF是Apache POI用于处理.docx文件格式的子项目。本文将介绍如何使用Java和XWPF将.docx文档转换...
pdfkitApiExample { public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException { final RequestBody body = new MultipartBody.Builder() .setType(MultipartBody.FORM) .addFormDataPart( "file", "input.docx", RequestBody.create( MediaType.parse("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.word...
Convert MS Word and Excel documents to PDF or images, or print documents automatically from your Java applications. Download Evaluation Home»jOfficeConvert We are no longer selling new licenses of this product but we’ve moved this functionality and much more to the Apryse Java PDF. Check it...
Convert Word to PDF The following namespaces are required to compile the code: NOTE Refer to the appropriate tabs in the code snippets section:C# [Cross-platform]for ASP.NET Core, Blazor, Xamarin, UWP, .NET MAUI, WinUI, andC# [Windows-specific]orVB.NET [Windows-specific]for WinForms, WPF...
Convert Word to PDF in Windows Forms using .NET Word (DocIO) library without Microsoft Word or interop dependencies.
How to convert PDF files in Java More examples > // Load the source PDF fileConverterconverter=newConverter("resume.pdf");// Set the convert optionsWordProcessingConvertOptionsconvertOptions=newWordProcessingConvertOptions();// Convert PDF to DOCXconverter.convert("resume.docx",convertOptions); ...