Web frameworks like Next.js and Vite know that Convert is side-effect free, so conversions will be precalculated at build-time, absolutely zero conversion code is sent to clients Runs anywhere (browsers, Node, Bun, etc), full ES3 backwards-compatibility Tiny bundle size and 0 dependencies Supp...
convert(5,"miles").to("km");convertMany("4d 16h").to("minutes"); Features Full build time and runtime validation of conversions Web frameworks like Next.js and Vite know that Convert is side-effect free, soconversions will be precalculated at build-time, absolutely zero conversion code ...
farm-normal rsbuild-normal vite-normal vite-practice umi-normal with-nextjs-app-router-inline-style with-nextjs-extract-style with-nextjs-generate-css-on-demand with-nextjs-inline-style npm i https://pkg.pr.new/ant-design/ant-design/antd@ca98e16 View more details on pkg.pr.new ...
你可以通过[quasar.config.js > pwa > swFilename](/quasar-cli-vite/developing-pwa/configuring-pwa#quasar-config-js)来设置。 Quasar CLI with Webpack依靠quasar.config.js > manifest来指定清单,但你需要使用/src-pwa/manifest.json来为Quasar CLI with Vite申报。在/src-pwa/manifest.json中声明清单后,...
3. 检查新的quasar.config.js build、devServer和所有Quasar模式(pwa、ssr等)的属性都有变化。这些属性在quasar.config.js页面中有详细介绍。你必须将你的配置手动移植到具有Vite架构的Quasar CLI中。 4. 浏览器兼容性 Quasar CLI with Webpack项目依靠/package.json > browserslist来指定你所针对的浏览器。这个属性...
"@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte": "^3.0.0", "@types/eslint": "^8.56.0", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.0.0", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^7.0.0", "eslint": "^8.56.0", "eslint-config-prettier": "^9.1.0", "eslint-plugin-svelte": "^2.36.0-next.4", "mds...
TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object at Function.values (<anonymous>) at configResolved (file://./node_modules/vite-plugin-dts/dist/index.mjs:581:100) at file://./node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-bb8a8339.js:66031:28 at Array.map (<anonymous>) at resolveConfig ...
Compatible with vite,Solved the problem of px to rem failing after vite build. Install npm install postcss @minko-fe/postcss-pxtorem -D Usage Pixels are the easiest unit to use (opinion). The only issue with them is that they don't let browsers change the default font size of 16. This...
vite.config.ts Repository files navigation README MIT license vue_my_notes 📝 Technologies • Getting Started • Routes • Collaborators The vue_my_notes app automatically converts audio into text notes. It was developed during the Next Level Week Expert by switching from React to Vue....
Once run, it will create a sibling file to the directory appending .com to it's name. been ./dist # ./dist.com server created ./dist.com -p 8080 Usage with static site builders Next.js "scripts": { "build": "next build && next export && been ./out" } Vite.js "scripts": {...