Converting to a time or datetime is similar as converting to a date; you have to select the appropriate style. You can also convert numbers to a datetime (not a date or datetime2 though). Converting 0 gives you the start date, which is 1900-01-01: The earliest datetime you can get i...
This seems like a problem that people would run into all the time, right? There must be an elegant way. As it turns out, BigQuery and Snowflake both have a function called try_cast. This function does exactly what you would want: if it's able to convert from one format to another,...
Mysql:为select查询设置time_zone,为所有其他查询设置UTC 、 我将所有日期存储在协调时(此外,应用程序将总是将协调时的日期时间传递给MySQL),并将MySQL配置为在协调时运行(使用SET time_zone = '+0:00');但是有没有办法让它自动将所有的需要说明的是:我还希望只运行一次命令,而不是对每个查询使用任何日期/时间...