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$pagetext =convert_url_to_bbcode($pagetext);// insert the forumid of this item into an array for the update_forum_counters() function later$update_forumids["{$feed['forumid']}"] =true;switch($feed['itemtype']) {// insert item as announcementcase'announcement':// init announcement d...
Title urlencode( ) — Convert URL into percent-encoded ASCII format Description Syntax Conformability Diagnostics Also see Description urlencode(s , useplus ) converts a string into percent-encoded ASCII format for web transmission. It replaces reserved ASCII characters with a % followed ...
$info["enctype"] =isset($row->enctype) ? strtolower($row->enctype) :"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; }if(isset($row->{"accept-charset"})) { $info["accept-charset"] = (string) $row->{"accept-charset"}; } $fields =array(); ...
Click to reveal a secret Secret message You've found a secret If you love our tools, then we love you, too! Use coupon codeJSONLINGto get a discount for ourpremium plans.
@return url("data:image/svg+xml,#{$encoded}"); } @mixin background-svg($svg){ background-image: svg-url($svg); } @function str-replace($string, $search, $replace: '') { $index: str-index($string, $search); @return if($index, ...
(string) : Returns a percent-encoded string formatted as a URI component in %xx format. Examples Example of URL encoding a Shift_JIS array: const sjisArray = [130, 168, 130, 205, 130, 230]; // 'おはよ' array in SJIS const encoded = Encoding.urlEncode(sjisArray); console.log(encode...
This function can be used if the substitution URL in rewrite rule contains special characters (for example non-ASCII or URI-unsafe characters). UrlDecode - decodes the URL-encoded input string. This function can be used to decode a condition input before matching it against a pattern. Refer ...
toBase64() Converts source map to base64 encoded json string. toComment([options]) Converts source map to an inline comment that can be appended to the source-file. By default, the comment is formatted like://# sourceMappingURL=..., which you would normally see in a JS source file....