Do a quick conversion: 1 tons = 1.0160469088 tonnes using the online calculator for metric conversions. Check the chart for more details.
Short tons to kilograms (t to kg) Kilograms to short tons (kg to t) Metric tons to short tons (t to ST) Short tons to tons [metric] (ST to t) Kilograms to stones (kg to st) Stones to kilograms (st to kg) Milligrams to grams (mg to g) ...
Convert 4000 Kilograms to Tons (metric) | Convert 4000 kg to t with our conversion calculator and conversion table
One long ton is equal to 2,240 pounds and is mostly used in the United Kingdom as a unit of mass/weight.[1] Long tons are not the same as the short ton, which is used mostly in the United States, or the metric ton which is used throughout the world. The long ton is an imp...
Convert 5000 Pounds to Tons (metric) | Convert 5000 lb to t with our conversion calculator and conversion table
This on the web one-way conversion tool converts weight or mass units from tonnes metric ( t ) into tons US short ( sh tn ) instantly online. 1 tonne metric ( t ) = 1.10 tons US short ( sh tn ). How many tons US short ( sh tn ) are in 1 tonne metric ( 1
Do a quick conversion: 1 qian [China] = 5.0E-6 metric tons using the online calculator for metric conversions. Check the chart for more details.
MBH To Tons Calculator Here you just insert MBH and the calculator will automatically convert them to tons: Convert MBH To Tons (Same As mBTU To Tons): Insert MBH (Example: 60 MBH): MBH Converted To Tons: Example of how to use this conversion calculator: Let’s say you want to conver...
Convert from kilograms to tons using the calculator below. We’ve also provided an easy kg-to-tons formula for manual conversions.
One long ton is equal to 2,240 pounds and is mostly used in the United Kingdom as a unit of mass/weight.[2] Long tons are not the same as the short ton, which is used mostly in the United States, or the metric ton which is used throughout the world. The long ton is an imp...