Unidrv and PScript5 print drivers create the Print Ticket by using the elements from the public and private parts of theDEVMODEWstructure that the drivers support. TheIPrintTicketProvider::ConvertDevModeToPrintTicketmethod is called for each print driver plug-in that was installed. ...
Wdf.h is common to both KMDF and UMDF, so include it in both types of drivers. Optionally, use the _KERNEL_MODE preprocessor macro to add the right system header conditionally: C++ Copy #ifndef _KERNEL_MODE // This is a user-mode driver #include <windows.h> #else // Th...
ConvertInterfaceLuidToGuid returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the function succeeds. If the function fails, the InterfaceGuid parameter is set to NULL, and ConvertInterfaceLuidToGuid returns the following error code:Expand table Return codeDescription STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters is invalid....
Unidrv and PScript5 print drivers fill in the public and private parts of the DEVMODEW structure that they support by using the information from the Print Ticket that was passed in the application's call to ConvertPrintTicketToDevMode. The IPrintOemPrintTicketProvider::ConvertPrintTicketToDev...
The ConvertInterfaceNameToLuidW function converts a Unicode network interface name to the locally unique identifier (LUID) for the interface.Note The ConvertInterfaceXxx API family enumerates identifiers over all interfaces bound to TCP/IP, which may include virtual miniports, lightweight filters, ...