This conversion tool can convert Unicode Hindi font such asMangal fontto Krutidev Font (the most popular Font for Hindi Typing). Mangal is a Unicode font and this tool will convert it to Krutidev (legacy) font. You can use converted Krutidev font anywhere to type in Hindi use KrutiDev i...
systems now. This necessitates use of converter tools. Converters adept at converting DevLys to Unicode, Mangal to DevLys, Shusha to Mangal, Unicode to kruti dev, Mangal to kruti, kruti to mangal and many more are in great demand. Hindi Unicode to ANSI Converter is one such useful tool....
Copy the converted Unicode (Mangal) font When you have to sent any article or poem to publish in newspaper you have to send in Chanakya font format. This conversion tool can convertChanakya fontto Unicode. Chanakya is a non-Unicode font and this tool will convert it toUnicode (Mangal) font...