The@nameattribute describes the name of the LaTeX instruction. @break-afteris used to control the line breaks after the element. This attribute is necessary to control the whitespace after regular paragraphs. Parameters, Options and Text A rule can contain three child elements:text,param,option, ...
Simple, free, and easy-to-use online tool that converts JSON to plain text. Just upload your JSON here and you'll instantly get plain text.
Easily convert Excel (or other spreadsheets) to LaTeX Table with our tool. Also 2 An Excel-like editor to easily edit Excel data. 3 Copy or download the converted LaTeX Table data. Table Editor 10x10
Convert text with ANSI color codes to HTML or to LaTeX. Inspired by and developed off of the work ofpixelbeatandblackjack. Read the docsfor more informations. Example - Python API fromansi2htmlimportAnsi2HTMLConverterconv=Ansi2HTMLConverter()ansi="".join(sys.stdin.readlines())html=conv.conve...
pod2latex (1) - convert pod documentation to latex format pod2readme (1) - script to convert POD to README file pod2test (1) - Convert embedded tests and code examples to .t files pod2texi (1) - convert Pod to Texinfo pod2text (1) - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text po...
latexText = selectedEl.text.substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex - 1); // 去掉 $ 符号 } let id = await ea.addLaTex(accumulatedX, selectedEl.y, latexText); let el = ea.getElement(id); el.width = (match[0].startsWith('$$') ? 1 : 1) * height / el.height * el.width; ...
Effortlessly convert CSV (Auto-detect Delimiter) to Excel. Utilize the Table Editor to create and modify Excel online.
Our image conversion tools allow to capture and convert printed and handwritten text, equations, tables, diagrams into LaTeX code for use in your favorite editors. In this blog post, learn about all the possible ways of creating a Snip using the Mathpix
Convert a Tab Separated Values file to an Excel spreadsheet. Convert Excel to TSV Convert an Excel file to a Tab Separated Values file. Convert TSV to LaTeX Convert a TSV file to LaTeX code that generates a table. Convert TSV to ASCII Table Convert a Tab Separated Values file to a neat...
Convert TSV to LaTeX Convert a TSV file to LaTeX code that generates a table. Convert TSV to ASCII Table Convert a Tab Separated Values file to a neat ASCII table. Convert ASCII Table to TSV Convert an ASCII table to a Tab Separated Values file. ...