Unicode to Agra Converter helps users to convert the words into Agra Hindi font. Agra Unicode converter online tool is very easy and simple to use.
English to Telugu Translator for iPhone,iPad and Android The English to Telugu Translation app is one of the easy to use and very helpful Translator application for Telugu language speakers and learners. The users can look into default English to Telugu or Telugu to English phrases, expressions,...
Translation English to Marathi Marathi to English Marathi to Hindi Marathi to Gujarati Marathi to Punjabi Marathi to Bangla Marathi to Odia Marathi to Kannada Marathi to Tamil Marathi to Telugu Marathi to Malayalam Any Language Marathi Test Marathi Typing Test (Character by Character) Marathi Unicode...
introduced special relativity, and demonstrated mass-energy equivalence."""# generate speech from the textresponse=client.audio.speech.create(model="tts-1",# the model to use, there is tts-1 and tts-1-hdvoice="nova",# the voice to use, there is alloy, echo, fable, onyx, nova, and s...