[Nest Platform Information] platform-socket.io version : 9.0.3 platform-fastify version : 9.0.3 microservices version : 9.0.3 mapped-types version : 1.1.0 schematics version : 9.0.1 passport version : 9.0.0 swagger version : 6.0.3 typeorm version : 9.0.0 testing version : 9.0.3 common ...
Compatible with yaml/json of OpenAPI3.0/Swagger2.0 $ mkdir petstore-api $cdpetstore-api $ npx openapi2aspida -i https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json#or ../local-swagger.yaml#api/$api.ts was built successfully.$ npm init -y $ npm install @aspida/axios axios typescript ts-node @...
In JavaScript, is there any way to convert a decimal number (such as 0.0002) to a fraction represented as a string (such as "2/10000")? If a function called decimalToFraction had been written for this purpose, then decimalToFraction(0.0002) would return the string "2/10000"....
{ PartnerFileId = pt.PartnerFileId }).ToListAsync(); return patient; } } I am trying to return a list through this method but I keep getting Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<ArtCore.Controllers.Resources.ClinicCoreResources.PartnersRegistryResource>' to 'ArtCore....
I am trying to read a physical excel file to a IFormFile but the content is always empty when I am reading the file it keep shows byte 0. I am trying to test a method that will read the content of the excel file. Is there anyone that did testing that manage to read an excel ...
Initialize Swagger UIonly once Typson is ready: var typsonReady = $.Deferred(); typsonReady.done(function () { instead of jQuery's$(function() {initializer. Then, just replace themodelssection of your API file with atsModelspropertycontaining the URL pointing to the type script defining the...
Also able to target Open API 3 (Swagger) specification for paths. Usage import { z } from "zod"; import { zodToJsonSchema } from "zod-to-json-schema"; const mySchema = z .object({ myString: z.string().min(5), myUnion: z.union([z.number(), z.boolean()]), }) .describe("...
When I am trying to assign an object entity to another object entity the error is coming Please help in my codeAuthor复制 public class Author { [Key] [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)] public int AuthorId { get; set; } [Required] [MaxLength(100, ErrorMessage ="First ...
You convert a DateTime to a string and then back to a DateTime. But the "DateTime" datatype doesn't use any particular format. It is just that the same DateTime value can be shown differently when converted to text as not all countries are using the same conventions for the SAME value....
NOTE:$refs are not handled in any way, so please use a resolver such asjson-schema-ref-parserorswagger-cli bundleprior to using this package. Installation npm install --save @openapi-contrib/openapi-schema-to-json-schema CLI npx"@openapi-contrib/openapi-schema-to-json-schema"--input openapi...