What Is a String to Uppercase Converter? This tool converts a string to an uppercase string. It transforms each character in the string to uppercase. Super simple! String to Uppercase Converter Examples Click to try! click me Uppercase a String This example converts a string to upper...
Quickly convert a Data URI to a UTF8 string. Convert UTF8 to an Image Quickly create a picture from UTF8 text. Convert UTF8 to Lowercase Quickly make all UTF8 chars lowercase. Convert UTF8 to Uppercase Quickly make all UTF8 chars uppercase. Randomize UTF8 Case Quickly randomize UTF8 ch...
Convert a string to pascal case (upper camel case). Used by more than 8.7 million projects on GitHub! Please follow this library's author: https://github.com/jonschlinkert - jonschlinkert/pascalcase
JavaScript Convert String and Keys of Object between cases (camelCase, snake_case, PascalCase, dot.case, path/case, text case, Sentence case, Header Case, UPPERCASE, lowercase, kebab-case). Use for both Node.JS and Browserjs-convert-case, jsConvert, js-camelcase, js-dotcase, js-headerca...
stickycase( str[, p] ) Converts a string to sticky case, where each character in the input string is randomly converted to either uppercase or lowercase. var str = 'hello world'; var out = stickycase( 'hello world' ); // returns <string> By default, the probability for any characte...
What Is a Text to Uppercase Converter? With this tool you can convert all letters of input text in uppercase, regardless of their initial case. Textabulous! Text to Uppercase Converter Examples Click to try! click me Lowercase Text to Uppercase This example transforms text, which has all...
Using an online text uppercase converter is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started: Enter Your Text: On the webpage, you'll find a text input area labeled "Input". Type or paste the text you want to convert into uppercase in this box. File ...
Input a string: w3resource Select an option: 1. Convert to uppercase 2. Convert to lowercase 1 Uppercase string: W3RESOURCE --- Input a string: JavaScript Select an option: 1. Convert to uppercase 2. Convert to lowercase 2 Lowercase string: javascript Explanation: In the above program ...
U-Convert is an easy to use online tool that can convert text to lower case or upper case, replace all occupancies of a string with another string, strip extra spaces, sort text, strip HTML code, convert HTML page into CSV-formatted data, rearrange data in a CSV spreadsheet, and do ...
Type: false | string | string[] Default: The host environment’s current locale.The locale parameter indicates the locale to be used to convert to upper/lower case according to any locale-specific case mappings. If multiple locales are given in an array, the best available locale is used....