std::string GetCString(System::String &str) { int length = Game::Utils::Bridge::GetCStringLength(str); wchar_t* wbuf = new wchar_t[length+1]; char* buf = new char[length+1]; Game::Utils::Bridge::GetCString(str, wbuf); sprintf(buf,"%ls",wbuf); auto r = std::string(buf); de...
string z="hi how are you"; and LPCTSTR xyz; now i want to assing the value of abc to xyz somethign like this xyz=z; i am gettin a error from string to lpctstr conversionYou need to use z.c_str() - and also you may need to use tstring rather than string (since you're ...
i'm trying doing a function for converting string to WCHAR*: prettyprint复制 wchar_t* towstring(std::string& s) { const size_t len = s.length() + 1; wchar_t wcstring[len]; swprintf(wcstring, len, L"%s", s.c_str()); return wcstring; } ...
char string_array[my_string.length() +1];strcpy(string_array, my_string.c_str());Nowuse the string_arrayasyour memory buffer.Ifyou need toreturnthe bufferfromafunction, you're going to have to allocate the buffer on the heap and return a pointer. That also means you're going to hav...
转载stackoverflow: 标题:How to convert an int to string in C?菜鸟教程:该链接包含函数源码。 itoa(),atoi()等。
Sign Up DigitalOcean Documentation Full documentation for every DigitalOcean product. Learn more Resources for startups and SMBs The Wave has everything you need to know about building a business, from raising funding to marketing your product. ...
// convert_standard_string_to_system_string.cpp // compile with: /clr #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace System; using namespace std; int main() { string str = "test"; cout << str << endl; String^ str2 = gcnew String(str.c_str()); Console::WriteLine(str2)...
I am trying to convert a std::string to a const char*. This is with GetHostByName(). Any help is appreciated. This is what I have sp far. 12345678910 int Newlength = WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, WC_COMPOSITECHECK, wsURL.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); std::string NewLogURL...
举例说明:调用方法getList<int>(),数据本身是string类型,这样则需要将string类型数据类型转换成int类型,才能添加到List<int>集合中。 解决方法: 我们在命名空间System下,找到了Convert类下有一个ChangeType方法,它有三种重载方式,如下图所示: 关于这个方法的详细介绍请参照MSDN:
Hello. for my program I need to change a string into a const char ( for opendir ) 1234567 ... string uhome=getenv("HOME"); string dir1="/Desktop"; const char *findir=uhome+dir1; const char *curdir=findir; dir=opendir(curdir); ... thanks in advance and yes i have searched th...