JavaScript Convert String and Keys of Object between cases (camelCase, snake_case, PascalCase,, path/case, text case, Sentence case, Header Case, UPPERCASE, lowercase, kebab-case). Use for both Node.JS and Browserjs-convert-case, jsConvert, js-camelcase, js-dotcase, js-headerca...
Change Case Convert strings to camelCase, CONSTANT_CASE,, Header-Case, lower case, param-case, PascalCase, path/case, Sentence case, snake_case, Title Case, UPPER CASE, and more! Change Case is a port to PHP from JavaScript of Blake Embrey’s project of the same name. Installa...
A JavaScript tool to convert text to lowercase, uppercase, title case, capital case or sentence case. Requirements The requirements for this project can be found in the document. Contributing For now, if you want to submit your version of the code, please create an own folder...
14 ⛹️♂️ JavaScript Convert Cases Package 🏌️♀️ Use for both Node.JS and Browser 🎯🎯 15 16 Convert String and Keys of Object between cases (camelCase, snake_case, PascalCase,, path/case, text case, Sentence case, Header Case, UPPERCASE, lowercase,...
Complete the method/function so that it converts dash/underscore delimited words into camel casing. The first word within the output should be capitalized only if the original word was capitalized ...
Quickly make every word to be two words in the given text. Remove Words from Text Quickly delete certain words from the given text. Duplicate Sentences in Text Quickly make every sentence to be two sentences in the text. Remove Sentences from Text Quickly delete certain sentences from the...
1. How to get a sentence style result The string inkebaborsnakestyle can be easily converted to sentence style const{ kebab }from"name-styles";consts ="ThisIsASentence";constsentence = kebab(s) .replace(/-/g," ") .replace(/^./, ch => ch.toUpperCase());// This is a sentence...
Convert to Uppercase: After entering your text, click the button labeled "Convert Uppercase Text". The tool also offers various styles like Lowercase Title Case, Sentence Case, Capitalize, Alternate, or Inverse Case. Select the one that fits your requirement. View the Results: Once you click ...
Sentence case means only the first letter of the first word is capitalized, and all other letters are in lowercase. Here’s an example:String.prototype.toSentenceCase = function() { return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1).toLowerCase();};$('div').text(function(i, text) ...
Convert string to double without scientific notation Convert string to formula Convert String to List in C# convert string to SqlDbType Convert string to System.Drawing.Color Convert string to Unicode Convert Struct To Class Convert Text using readline to sentence casing or upper case. Convert text...