If no arguments are passed in the function, it returns zero. The default base is set as 10 if no base value is given. An integer object can be constructed using a number or a string. Examples of Python float to int Given below are the examples of Python float to int: Example #1 Let...
pdfaComplianceLevel string Set the PDF/A Compliance Level, the default value is PDF_A_2A. Culture Name cultureName string Change the thread culture used to process the request. Returns Body DtoResponseConvertMailMessage Convert - ExcelOperation ID: Conversion_ConvertExcel Convert Microsoft Excel...
If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.Проширитабелу NameTypeDescriptionRequired API Key securestring Get an API Key - https://www.encodian.com/apikey/ True Region string ...
Convert an email and attachments to a single PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360011566298-Convert-Mail-Message Parameters Utvid tabell NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Filename fileName True string The filename of the source file, the file extension is mandatory: ...
outputFormatParameter string Set the output file type conversion conversion dynamic Request object, refer to schema definition: DtoConvertCad Returns Body DtoResponseConvertCad Convert - EmailOperation ID: Conversion_ConvertMailMessage Convert an email and attachments to a single PDF document - https...
outputFormatParameter string Set the output file type conversion conversion dynamic Request object, refer to schema definition: DtoConvertCad Returns Body DtoResponseConvertCad Convert - EmailOperation ID: Conversion_ConvertMailMessage Convert an email and attachments to a single PDF document - https...
outputFormatParameter string Set the output file type conversion conversion dynamic Request object, refer to schema definition: DtoConvertCad Returns Body DtoResponseConvertCad Convert - EmailOperation ID: Conversion_ConvertMailMessage Convert an email and attachments to a single PDF document - https...
outputFormatParameter string Set the output file type conversion conversion dynamic Request object, refer to schema definition: DtoConvertCad Returns Body DtoResponseConvertCad Convert - EmailOperation ID: Conversion_ConvertMailMessage Convert an email and attachments to a single PDF document - https...
Convert a document to PDF or PDF/A format - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360011123574-Convert-to-PDF Parameters Expand table NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Filename FileName True string The filename of the source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.xlsx' and ...
If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.Ανάπτυξηπίνακα NameTypeDescriptionRequired API Key securestring Get an API Key - https://www.encodian.com/apikey/ True Region string ...