functionconvertToBase64String(input) {//将字符串转换为 Base64 编码的字符串returnbtoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(input))); }//测试转换函数const inputString = "中国"; const base64String=convertToBase64String(inputString); console.log(base64String);//输出 "5Lit5Zu9"...
ToBase64String(Byte[]) Source: Convert.cs 将一个由 8 位无符号整数组成的数组转换为其等效的字符串表示形式,该表示形式使用 base-64 位数字进行编码。 C# 复制 public static string ToBase64String (byte[] inArray); 参数 inArray Byte[] 一个由 8 位无符号整数构成的数组。 返回 String in...
TryFromBase64String TryToBase64Chars TryToHexString TryToHexStringLower Converter<TInput,TOutput> DataMisalignedException DateOnly DateTime DateTimeKind DateTimeOffset DayOfWeek DBNull 小数 委托 Delegate.InvocationListEnumerator<TDelegate> DivideByZeroException ...
ToBase64String(Byte[], Int32, Int32) Converts a subset of an array of 8-bit unsigned integers to its equivalent string representation that is encoded with base-64 digits. Parameters specify the subset as an offset in the input array, and the number of elements in the array to convert....
ToBase64String(Byte[], Int32, Int32) Converts a subset of an array of 8-bit unsigned integers to its equivalent string representation that is encoded with base-64 digits. Parameters specify the subset as an offset in the input array, and the number of elements in the array to convert....
在使用Convert.ToBase64String()对字符串进行Base64编码时,注意的几点: 例:strings = "Hello"; byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(s); 以上代码在运行时会抛出FormatException异常.提示为:Base-64字符数组的无效长度 原因:当Convert.FromBase64String方法的参数s的长度小于 4 或不是 4 的偶数倍时,将会...
How to Encode and Decode Strings with Base64 in JavaScript How to Convert a Unix Timestamp to Time in JavaScript How to Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal in JavaScript How to Convert a Comma-Separated String into Array How to Convert a Number to a String in JavaScript How to ...
Converts the value of an array of 8-bit unsigned integers to its equivalent string representation that is encoded with base-64 digits.
ToBase64String ToBoolean ToByte ToChar ToDateTime ToDecimal ToDouble ToHexString ToInt16 ToInt32 ToInt64 ToSByte ToSingle ToString ToUInt16 ToUInt32 ToUInt64 TryFromBase64Chars TryFromBase64String TryToBase64Chars Converter<TInput,TOutput> ...
Put the image path in a File object, set the encoding to 'BINARY', use'r') and retrieve the binary string in a variable: var s =; Then, use base64.js (or similar lib) to convert the string into B64.