data:image/png;base64: You can use the base64 encoded string in CSS. You can copy the string and put it into your code like this: .example { background-image url('...'); } Submit Do you find this helpful? YesNo About Us Privacy Policy...
The T-SQL language offers two functions to convert data from one data type to a target data type:CAST and CONVERT. In many ways, they both do the exact same thing in a SELECT statement or stored procedure, but the SQL Server CONVERT function has an extra parameter to express style. The...
Pass parameters to ssis package through agent job. Passing a decimal to a stored procedure Passing a integer variable in a dynamic query Passing a parameter to a CmdExec step Passing a stored procedure parameter to an xp_cmdshell - sqlcmd line Passing a sub-query as a parameter to the Stor...
A decade ago, it was a fairly rare thing for most of us in the SQL Server world to have to convert a UNIX Timestamp to a human readable date/time or vice versa in SQL Server. It’s no longer a rare thing and, according to posts on many different forums, lots of people have ha...