an Excel spreadsheet) can be pushed to another (e.g., a Google Sheets spreadsheet). These changes include actions like adding rows or updating data in the sheet.
The 'Encodian Flowr Convert' connector provide enterprise grade and simple to use Power Automate actions for converting files and data to another format. The connector provides support for more than 70+ common file types including CAD, Email, Excel, Images, HTML, JSON, PDF, Text, Visio, Word...
Smartsheet Smartsheet EU smenso smino SMS Folio 中位數 SnapInstruct Sociabble Social Advocacy Solgari Customer Engagement Solo 很快排程 索倫森 Soundbite™ 空格器 Speeki Speybl Spintr Spotline Procurement Bot SQQ Squadcast Teamscast EU Teams 的 Stack Overflow Standup Alice 透過Sup 獨...
Smartsheet EU SmartStash smenso Напоминаниякалендаря SMS SMS Folio Median SnapInstruct Sociabble Social Advocacy SOFI Взаимодействиесклиентами Solgari Solo Планированиевближайшеевремя Соренсон Sound...
Smartsheet EU SmartStash smenso smino SMS フォリオ 中央値 SnapInstruct Sociabble ソーシャル アドボカシー SOFI ソルガリ カスタマー エンゲージメント Solo 間もなくスケジュールを設定する ソレンソン Soundbite™ Spacemer Speeki Speybl Spintr Splan for Microsoft Teams スポッ...
Template ID: convertarraytoobjectConverts an array in the body to a JSON object with elements identified by a user specified key. This template is available in Power Apps and Power Automate.To start, specify the path to the parent object or collection and the property subpath with...
Convert - ExcelOperation ID: Conversion_ConvertExcel Convert Microsoft Excel documents to another document format - Parameters Проширитабелу NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Output Format outputFormatParameter string ...
Convert - ExcelOperation ID: Conversion_ConvertExcel Convert Microsoft Excel documents to another document format - Parameters 展開表格 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Output Format outputFormatParameter string Set the output file ...
Convert - ExcelOperation ID: Conversion_ConvertExcel Convert Microsoft Excel documents to another document format - Parameters Luaskan tabel NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Output Format outputFormatParameter string Set the output ...
Convert - ExcelOperation ID: Conversion_ConvertExcel Convert Microsoft Excel documents to another document format - Parameters Utvid tabell NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Output Format outputFormatParameter string Set the output ...