Do a quick conversion: 1 seer [India] = 9.33105E+17 femtograms using the online calculator for metric conversions. Check the chart for more details.
SEER = (1 × EER100%+ 42 × EER75%+ 45 × EER50%+ 12 × EER25%)/100 EER = BTUcooling/W HSPF = BTUheating/W COP = Q (useful heat)/W (input work) ACH = CFM x 60/Area x Heightceiling Total Heat (BTU/hr.) = 4.5 x CFM x Δh (std. air) ...
The ratio between heat removed and power (watt) used - EER and SEER. Calculating Cooling Loads Calculating chiller and cooling tower refrigeration loads - in tons. Cooling Power vs. Airflow and Duct Sizes Typical relations between cooling power (tons cooling), air flow and duct size Cooling...> Also cam i have some information where i> can download vxvm 5 for HPUX 11.23 as in> software.hp.comYou cant download it from, I think. Normally vxfs 5.0/vxvm 5.0 for hp-ux 11.23, only comes, on a seperate cd, ...
Hello - after the December 2019 updates, we are receiving the following error. Our client code calls into Guzzle at #2, so we don't call GuzzleHttp_idn_uri_convert() directly: [28-Dec-2019 17:57:20 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: C...
epetthehcceaaearsmsmeeedsasaxoaxoitfmifmλLLu/uLm==m=00η..η655o.3omfmfaL,,Ln=00d=..70740.m5.m.45mimaannnwtdwdhaesa00s..cd99adesmmceercs,,erattoehhsafeeesLdemm=ddaa0udxx.e7uiimmetmouutotammhntehdηηde220edi.it9sseermtaaeilolmr,mriaoaoontrsisadotttnitttohhhoneeef value was ...
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a.arguments().at(2), a.arguments().at(3));return0; } 开发者ID:ccseer,项目名称:Seer-plugins,代码行数:16,代码来源:main.cpp 示例5: ReadStringArray ▲点赞 1▼ voidReadStringArray(ifstream& in,vector<string>& data){ data.clear();intlength; ...
SEER = (1 × EER100%+ 42 × EER75%+ 45 × EER50%+ 12 × EER25%)/100 EER = BTUcooling/W HSPF = BTUheating/W COP = Q (useful heat)/W (input work) ACH = CFM x 60/Area x Heightceiling Total Heat (BTU/hr.) = 4.5 x CFM x Δh (std. air) ...
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