QgisApp::instance()->messageBar()->pushMessage( tr("No heightmap is defined in the project."), tr("Right-click a raster layer in the layer tree and select it to be used as heightmap."), QgsMessageBar::INFO,10); reset();return; } QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem canvasCrs = canvas()-...
Here is an example command line, to show how i had use ogr2ogr tool to convert the shp to kml file. Similarly you canconvert shapefile to KML using QGIS tool. Convert SHP to KML or KMZ using coding- To convert in KMZ format you can just change the extension of output file from .kml...
1. Vector features 2. Tile matrix sets of imagery and raster maps at various scales 3. Attributes (non-spatial data) 4. Extension Convert Shapefile to GeoPackage – GPKG You can open the gpkg (GeoPackage) file in QGIS software and see some of the general properties of gpkg (GeoPackage) fi...
QgisApp::instance()->messageBar()->pushMessage( tr("No heightmap is defined in the project."), tr("Right-click a raster layer in the layer tree and select it to be used as heightmap."), QgsMessageBar::INFO,10); reset();return; } QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem canvasCrs = canvas()-...