LondonGMT United Kingdom, England 11:14a Tue, Feb 11 -11:14a Tue, Feb 11 Tue Feb11 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm -8 PST/PDT Pacific Standard Time (US)▶Corrected from PDT ...
Est to PST Converter Est to GMT Converter Est to CET Converter What is a time zone? A time zone is a geographic region where all the clocks are set to the same time. Time zones are based on the fact that the Earth rotates around its axis, which causes the sun to appear in different...
This time zone is the mean solar time located at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. Originally it was the standard for civil time, but it has since been replaced by Coordinated Universal Time. Earth spins at an uneven rate because of its elliptical orbit and the tilt of its axis....
PST stands forPacific Standard Time. EST is known asEastern Standard Time. EST is 3 hours ahead of PST. So, when it isit will be Other conversions:PST to London Time,PST to Wellington Time,PST to Toronto Time,PST to Pretoria Time,PST to Brussels Time ...
GMT to MSTConvert to Mountain Standard Time GMT to ESTConvert to Eastern Standard Time GMT to UTCConvert to Coordinated Universal Time Related CST Time Zone Converters PST to CSTConvert from Pacific Standard Time MST to CSTConvert from Mountain Standard Time EST to CSTConvert from Eastern Standard...
如果您使用時區名稱指定時區,CONVERT_TIMEZONE 會自動調整夏令時間 (DST) 或任何其他當地季節性通訊協定,例如夏令時間、標準時間或冬季時間,該時區在「時間戳記」指定的日期和時間內生效。例如,'Europe/London' 在冬天代表 UTC,在夏天增加一小時。 使用時區縮寫 ...
To be more concise, you can also use the abbreviation for the time zone: selectcreated_atattimezone'utc'attimezone'pst'fromusers; To see the list of time zones PostgreSQL supports: select*frompg_timezone_names; name|abbrev|utc_offset|is_dst---+---+---+---Africa/Abidjan|GMT|00:00:...
GMT to UTCConvert to Coordinated Universal Time Related MST Time Zone Converters PST to MSTConvert from Pacific Standard Time CST to MSTConvert from Central Standard Time EST to MSTConvert from Eastern Standard Time UTC to MSTConvert from Coordinated Universal TimeAbout...
Instantly view accurate times across global cities and time zones. From New York and London to Tokyo and Sydney, never miss a timezone. EFFORTLESS TIME CONVERSION: Glide through time with a simple swipe. Convert and compare time zones with precision, ensuring your global meetings and calls are...
, isSummerTime = (date = ForwardDate and time >= #time(1,0,0)) or (date > ForwardDate and date < BackDate) or (date = BackDate and time < #time(1,0,0)), timeZone = Number.From(isSummerTime), Europe_London = datetimecolumn + #duration(0, timeZone, 0, 0...