The Oil Paint filter (Filter > Stylize > Oil Paint) is a more-advanced effect that Adobe added in Photoshop CS6. You can modify the size, style, and detail of brush strokes, and you can activate the Lighting option to give the illusion of depth and texture. 3. Neural Filters Photoshop...
L_ConvertToDIBSummaryConverts a LEAD Technologies bitmap into a Windows device independent bitmap (DIB). When this function is completed, there are two copies of the image in memory: the DIB and the original LEAD bitmap. Freeing one will not affect the other....
L_OilifyBitmap L_OptGetDefaultOptions L_OptOptimizeBuffer L_OptOptimizeDir L_OtsuThreshold L_PaintDC L_PaintDCBuffer L_PaintDCBufferCallback L_PaintDCCallback L_PaintDCCMYKArray L_PaintDCEffect L_PaintDCOverlay L_PaintDCOverlayCallback L_PaintRgnDC L_PaintRgnDCBuffer L_PaintRgnDCBufferCall...
L_INT nWidth; number of pixels to be processed L_INT nFormatSrc; format of the source data L_INT nFormatDst; format of the output dataConverts image data in a buffer from one color space model to another. The supported models are RGB, YUV, CMYK, CMY, YIQ, HSV, and HLS.Parameter...
pointer to the palette for the existing data L_RGBQUAD* pPaletteDst; pointer to the palette for the converted data L_UINT uFlags; option flags L_INT uLowBit; low bit L_INT uHighBit; high bitConverts data in the specified buffer to the specified bits per pixel and color order. You can...