to: The converter to use. Supported values are: cardinal (default) ordinal ordinal_num year currency lang: The language in which to convert the number. Supported values are: en (English, default) am (Amharic) ar (Arabic) az (Azerbaijani) be (Belarusian) bn (Bangladeshi) ca (Catalan) ce...
Both features you asked for (OCR & saving a PDF to MS. Word) doesn't support Arabic as yet. The Arabic OCR feature in Acrobat is hopeless, and we have no workaround, however, saving PDF to Word document can be done in another way as explained below… If you are on a Wi...
how to convert javascript number to money format --> from "100000" to "1,000,000" ? How to convert Kannda text pdf to word document.? How to convert my code to dll? how to convert pdf file into binary data using file streams How to convert rtf to plain text - remove rtf formattin...
capitalise the first letter of each word in a string in SQL Server. Capturing the results from exec command Carriage Return...Line Feed...CHAR(10) and CHAR(13) Help CASE Expression in conjunction with LEN(gln.GLNumber) Case expressions may only be nested to level 10. CASE in JOIN CONDIT...
WdMoveToTextMark WdMultipleWordConversionsMode WdNewDocumentType WdNoteNumberStyle WdNoteNumberStyleHID WdNumberForm WdNumberingRule WdNumberSpacing WdNumberStyleWordBasicBiDi WdNumberType WdOLEPlacement WdOLEType WdOLEVerb WdOMathBreakBin WdOMathBreakSub WdOMathFracType WdOMathFunction...
If this argument is omitted, Word sets the number of rows, based on the contents of the range. NumColumns Object Optional Object. The number of columns in the table. If this argument is omitted, Word sets the number of columns, based on the contents of the range. Initial...
If this argument is omitted, Word sets the number of rows, based on the contents of the range. NumColumns Object Optional Object. The number of columns in the table. If this argument is omitted, Word sets the number of columns, based on the contents of the range. InitialColumnWidth ...
If this argument is omitted, Word sets the number of rows, based on the contents of the range. NumColumns Object Optional Object. The number of columns in the table. If this argument is omitted, Word sets the number of columns, based on the contents of the range. InitialColumnWidth ...
You can choose to turn off either of them by deselecting From Adobe Fonts or From your device respectively in Apply Filter . If Retype fails to auto-detect a word in the image or outlined text, move the marquee and fit it around the undetected word to get font suggestions. Use the ...
Assuming you have MFC or ATL properly available in your app, and assuming that the TCHAR buffer being pointed to is NULL terminated, then the code is trivialprettyprint Copy TCHAR const *buffer = "Hello World"; CString myString(buffer); ...