To_unit 是结果的单位。CONVERT接受from_unit和to_unit的以下文本值(引号中): 度量系统体重和群发 重量和质量 From_unit或to_unit 克 “g” 斯勒格 “sg” 磅(常衡制) “lbm” U(原子质量单位) “u” 盎司(常衡制) “ozm” 颗粒 “grain” 美担 “cwt”或”shweight” 英担 “uk_cwt”或”lcwt”(...
Convert any measure unit of surface, flow rate, density, energy, force, length, mass, torque, power, pressure, temperature, speed, angular velocity, cinematic viscosity, dinamci viscosity: kw, cv, N, lbf, nmi, erg, btu, Pa, mmhg, mmh20, mca...
How many kg are in a liter? Convert 7000 pounds to tons How do you convert 3.2 tons to pounds? What is the mass of a 210 N weight g = 10 m/s{2} Answer choices: 21 N 2100 kg 21 kg 10 kg 210 kg Perform the following unit conversions. A) 7.7 times 10^1 grams to ounces B...
Kilograms to newtons (kg to N) Newtons to kilograms (N to kg) Newtons to pounds (N to lb) Pounds to newtons (lb to N) Milligrams to kilograms (mg to kg) Kilograms to milligrams (kg to mg) Kilograms to tonnes (kg to t)
“ozm”颗粒 “grain”美担 “cwt”或”shweight”英担 “uk_cwt”或”lcwt”(“hweight”)英石 “stone”吨 “ton”英吨 “uk_ton”或”LTON”(“brton”)距离 距离From_unit或to_unit 米 “m”法定英里 “mi”海里 “Nmi”英寸 “in”英尺 “ft”码 “yd”埃 “ang”厄尔 “ell”光...
CONVERT 转换后的需要转换的数量原单位转换后的单位数量 =CONVE RT(C4,D 1 in cm 2.544,E4)=CONVE RT(C5,D 1 ft m 0.30485,E5)=CONVE RT(C6,D 1 yd m 0.91446,E6)1 1 1.5 0.5功能将数字从一个度量系统转换到另一个度量系统中如果该函数不可用,并返回错误值#NAME?,请安装并加载“分析...
Convert 266.2 Inches to Centimeter | Convert 266.2 in to cm with our conversion calculator and conversion table
What is the mass of a 210 N weight g = 10 m/s{2} Answer choices: 21 N 2100 kg 21 kg 10 kg 210 kg How many kg are in a liter? 450 grams is how many pounds? Using the table below, convert 1 ton to pounds, grams, kilograms, and ounces. Convert 46 grams to ounces Matt is...
Cubic feet per minutetoCubic inches per minute(ft3/mintoin3/min)1728.0070744076 Cubic feet per minutetoCubic inches per hour(ft3/mintoin3/h)103680.42446446 Cubic feet per minutetoFluid Ounces per second(ft3/mintofl-oz/s)15.958433333333 Cubic feet per minutetoFluid Ounces per minute(ft3/mintofl-...
convert().possibilities(); // [ 'mm', 'cm', 'm', 'in', 'ft-us', 'ft', 'mi', 'mcg', 'mg', 'g', 'kg', 'oz', 'lb', 'mt', 't', 'ml', 'l', 'tsp', 'Tbs', 'fl-oz', 'cup', 'pnt', 'qt', 'gal', 'ea', 'dz' ];...