This value is used to convert mtr to mm regardless of the conversion figure. It won’t matter if you are converting 1 mtr to mm or 1000 mtr to mm, you will have to multiply the figure by 1000 to get the converted value. In a nutshell, 1000 millimeters (mm) makes a meter (m). ...
I also want to output the captured information (+signatures) in a template that can be converted to PDF and given to the customer. The problem I'm having is that the flow fails on the script when trying to add the image to the excel worksheet. I am confused as I mostly plag...
Convert and replace image-files within your DOM/HTML to base64-encoded data. Example gulpfile.js vargulp=require('gulp');varimg64=require('gulp-img64');gulp.task('default',function(){gulp.src('index.html').pipe(img64()).pipe(gulp.dest('path'));}); ...
reg query"%_CBS%\%%A" /v "CurrentState" %_Nul_2% | find /i "0x70"%_Nul_1% && ( for /f"tokens=3 delims=-~" %%B in ('echo %%A') do set "_EditionPkg=%%B") ) if /i"%_EditionPkg:~-7%"=="Edition"( set"_Edition=%_EditionPkg:~0,-7%") else ( for /f"tokens=3 del...
teespolyglot to SergeiBaklanSep 10, 2024 Thanks SergeiBaklan, your reply essentially pointed me in the right direction. Power Automate clearly didn't like me passing in the base64 string directly from the PowerApps input, so I've initialised a string variable and ...
Convert and replace image-files within your DOM/HTML to base64-encoded data. - soundonlive/gulp-img64