I am confused as I mostly plagiarised the script from this thread, where it has worked perfectly for others, and I know the (two) base64 string(s) to be correct, as i've run it through an online converter, which outputs images of the signatures that were originally captured. ...
3.Any questions,please feel free to contact us,we will reply as soon as possible,thank you! Product Description Product name XP600/i3200 eco solvent/uv printer kit convert kit full set Suit for Inkjet printer 6ft 10ft 1.6m 1.8m 3.2m Paym...
for /f"tokens=3 delims=: " %%A in ('dism /English /Online /Get-CurrentEdition %_Nul_2e% ^| find /i "Current Edition :"') do ( set"_Edition=%%A") ) :: 根据当前已安装的产品密钥获取版本 for /f"tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmicpathSoftwareLicensingProduct where (Name like 'Wi...