Function SpellNumberToEnglish(ByVal pNumber) 'Update by Extendoffice Dim Dollars, Cents arr = Array("", "", " Thousand ", " Million ", " Billion ", " Trillion ") pNumber = Trim(Str(pNumber)) xDecimal = InStr(pNumber, ".") If xDecimal > 0 Then Cents = GetTens(Left(Mid(pNum...
2. ClickInsert>Module, and paste the following macro in theModule window. VBA: Spell out currency numbers to English words in Excel FunctionSpellNumberToEnglish(ByValpNumber)'Updateby20131113DimDollars,Cents arr=Array("",""," Thousand "," Million "," Billion "," Trillion ")pNumber=Trim(St...
申请前 Kutools for Excel请首先下载并安装. 1.选择包含您要转换的货币编号的单元格。 2。 点击 库工具 > 内容 > 小写金额转大写。 看截图:3.在 数字到货币单词 对话框中选择 英语 选项,然后单击 OK or 入学申请 按钮。现在,所选的货币数字将立即转换为英语单词。
VBA code: Convert currency number to English Words Function NumberstoWords(ByVal pNumber) Dim Dollars, Cents arr = Array("", "", " Thousand ", " Million ", " Billion ", " Trillion ") pNumber = Trim(Str(pNumber)) xDecimal = InStr(pNumber, ".") If xDecimal > 0 Then Cents = ...
' Change these values according to your requirements DecimalSeparator = "." UnitName = "US Dollars" SubUnitName = "Cents" SubUnitNameAlt = "Dollars" ReDim Place(9) As String Place(2) = " Thousand " Place(3) = " Million " Place(4) = " Billion " ...
This will insert a new module in your spreadsheet called Module1. Paste the following two functions into the new module.' Example created by Function EnglishNumber(ByVal N As Currency) As String Const Thousand = 1000@ Const Million = Thousand * Thousand Const Billion = ...
In the VBA window, go to Insert tab > Module.Enter the VBA code below in the module window: Function SpellNumber(ByVal GivenCurrency) Dim USD, C Words = Array("", "", " Thousand ", " Million ", " Billion ", " Trillion ") GivenCurrency = Trim(Str(GivenCurrency)) FractionCurrency...
xP = Array("", "Thousand ", "Million ", "Billion ", "Trillion ", " ", " ", " ", " ") xNumber = Trim(str(MyNumber)) xDP = InStr(xNumber, ".") xPoint = "" xStrNumber = "" If xDP > 0 Then xPoint = " point " ...
FunctionSpellNumberToEnglish(ByValpNumber)'Updateby20131113DimDollars,Cents arr=Array("",""," Thousand "," Million "," Billion "," Trillion ")pNumber=Trim(Str(pNumber))xDecimal=InStr(pNumber,".")IfxDecimal>0ThenCents=GetTens(Left(Mid(pNumber,xDecimal+1)&"00",2))pNumber=Trim(Left(p...
Place(2) = " Thousand " Place(3) = " Million " Place(4) = " Billion " Place(5) = " Trillion " ' String representation of amount. MyNumber = Trim(Str(MyNumber)) ' Position of decimal place 0 if none. DecimalPlace = InStr(MyNumber, ".") ...