Often many customers buy coating rods at NBchao, and the unit provided is "mesh number". For example, I am looking for 100 mesh coating rods, which is actually difficult for customer service personnel. We know that mesh is actually used in the powder coa
the smaller the aperture. In general, mesh number × aperture (micron number) = 15000. For example, the pore size of a 400 mesh screen is about 38 microns; the pore size of a 500 mesh screen is about 30 microns. Due to the problem of the opening rate, that...
I don’t know anything about being able to mesh the STL file, and I think it would be more routine to Export the geometry in STEP format from SpaceCalim. I am familiar with the process of simulating 3D flows. After drawing the domain in Design Modeler, we can refer to one of the M...
It grants the melted flowability which accompanies the slide the compound granule, with the stretching characteristic macromolecule and the chemical contact, it compresses forms, in the magnetic field it offers the anisotropic rare earth bond magnet which possesses mesh condition boundary phase. This ...
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It grants the melted flowability which accompanies the slide the compound granule, with the stretching characteristic macromolecule and the chemical contact, it compresses forms, in the magnetic field it offers the anisotropic rare earth bond magnet which possesses mesh condition boundary phase. This ...