Psig (pound-force per square inch gauge) is a unit of pressure relative to the surrounding atmosphere. By contrast, psia measures pressure relative to a vacuum (such as that in space). At sea level, Earth's atmosphere actually exerts a pressure of 14.7 psi. Humans do not feel this pressu...
A unit called thebarapproximates atmospheric pressure, with 1 bar = 1,000 millibar (mbar) = 100 kPa. On weather forecasts, you may see the pressure of hurricanes expressed in millibars; the lower the value, the stronger the storm, with values of around 900 mbar signifying extremely powerful...
The word bar is of Greek origin, báros meaning weight. Its official symbol is "bar"; the earlier "b" is now deprecated, but still often seen especially as "mb" rather than the proper "mbar" for millibars.Metric conversions and more...
A unit called thebarapproximates atmospheric pressure, with 1 bar = 1,000 millibar (mbar) = 100 kPa. On weather forecasts, you may see the pressure of hurricanes expressed in millibars; the lower the value, the stronger the storm, with values of around 900 mbar signifying extremely powerful...
The word bar is of Greek origin, báros meaning weight. Its official symbol is "bar"; the earlier "b" is now deprecated, but still often seen especially as "mb" rather than the proper "mbar" for millibars.Metric conversions and more...
Convert microbar to pound/square inch microbar psi The above form works if you are measuring differential pressure, such as the difference in psi between two points. It also gives the correct answer for absolute pressure, assuming you are measuring psia, which is the pressure relative to absolu...
The word bar is of Greek origin, báros meaning weight. Its official symbol is "bar"; the earlier "b" is now deprecated, but still often seen especially as "mb" rather than the proper "mbar" for millibars.Definition: Pound/square inch...
The word bar is of Greek origin, báros meaning weight. Its official symbol is "bar"; the earlier "b" is now deprecated, but still often seen especially as "mb" rather than the proper "mbar" for millibars.Definition: Pound/square inch...
The word bar is of Greek origin, báros meaning weight. Its official symbol is "bar"; the earlier "b" is now deprecated, but still often seen especially as "mb" rather than the proper "mbar" for millibars.Definition: Pound/square inch...
mbar The above form works if you are measuring differential pressure, such as the difference in psi between two points. It also gives the correct answer for absolute pressure, assuming you are measuring psia, which is the pressure relative to absolute zero vacuum. If you are measuring relative...