I/O 变量描述 输入 类型 描述 dwTimestampLocal DWORD 本地时间戳 输入/输出 类型 描述 pdwTimestampUTC DWORD 根据输入计算得到的UTC。 输出 类型 描述 SysTimeRtcConvertLocalToUtc UDINT 运行时系统错误代码(请参阅CmpErrors.library): 0 = 未检测到错误...
打印 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: Microsoft.BizTalk.Admin 程序集: Microsoft.BizTalk.Admin.dll C# publicvoidConvertLocalTimeStringToUTC(stringLocalTime,outstringUTCTime); 参数 LocalTime String UTCTime String 适用于 产品版本 BizTalk Server2016, 2020...
Please change the issue according to the template. VictorK mentioned this issue Dec 19, 2017 AddJsonBody will convert DateTime to UTC #834 Closed Member alexeyzimarev commented Dec 24, 2017 This is actually the case. It is how SimpleJson works. Try using Json.Net instead. alexeyzimarev...
You need to use System.TimeZone.ToLocalTime(UTCTime). See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.timezone.tolocaltime.aspx. You should be able to use TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone if you want to convert using the server time zone. Thursday, December 29, 2005 8:09 PM ...
To convert UTC to local time, follow these steps: Determine your local time offset from UTC time. To do this, follow these steps on a Microsoft Windows-based computer: ClickStart, clickRun, type timedate.cpl, and then clickOK. Click theTime Zonetab, and then verify that your local time...
To convert UTC to local time, follow these steps: Determine your local time offset from UTC time. To do this, follow these steps on a Microsoft Windows-based computer: ClickStart, clickRun, type timedate.cpl, and then clickOK. Click theTime Zonetab, and then verify that your loc...
publicvoidConvertUTCTimeStringToLocal(stringUTCTime,outstringLocalTime); Parameters UTCTime String LocalTime String Implements ConvertUTCTimeStringToLocal(String, String)ConvertUTCTimeStringToLocal(String, String) Applies to ProductVersions BizTalk Server2016, 2020...
命名空間: Microsoft.BizTalk.Admin 組件: Microsoft.BizTalk.Admin.dll C# publicvoidConvertUTCTimeStringToLocal(stringUTCTime,outstringLocalTime); 參數 UTCTime String LocalTime String 適用於 產品版本 BizTalk Server2016, 2020 本文內容 定義 適用於
publicvoidConvertUTCTimeStringToLocal(stringUTCTime,outstringLocalTime); 參數 UTCTime String LocalTime String 實作 ConvertUTCTimeStringToLocal(String, String)ConvertUTCTimeStringToLocal(String, String) 適用於 產品版本 BizTalk Server2016, 2020
public static DateTime ConvertTimeToUtc (DateTime dateTime); 參數 dateTime DateTime 要轉換的日期和時間。 傳回 DateTime 對應至 dateTime 參數的國際標準時間 (UTC)。 DateTime 值的Kind 屬性始終設定為 Utc。 例外狀況 ArgumentException TimeZoneInfo.Local.IsInvalidDateTime( dateTime ) 會傳回 true。 範...