incorrectly converts number 0 to "" for any base The code is much longer than it should be. Using a dictionary for a sequentially-indexed list of letters is wasteful; even worse is the suggestion to populate the dictionary with a for loop. Making the distinction between digits in the 0..... Working example Lets assume you got this JSON object from Google Fonts API: "Roboto": { "category": "sans-serif", "lastModified": "2015-04-06", "version": "v15", "variants": { "italic": { "100": { "local": [ "'Roboto Thin Ita...
If you had the ctags generated for that file, when the cursor is in the function call pressing CTRL + ] will take you to the function definition. And automatically the tag list window will show the tags for that newly opened file. Method 2: Open another file also in the same vim sessi...