Use this online free Base64 Image Maker to quickly upload an image and to convert it into a base64 string. The image can be in jpeg, gif, and png format. Base64 is an encoding algorithm that allows converting any characters into an alphabet which consists of Latin letters, digits, plus...
(b)Convertthemorerestrictive and less popular facilities in the Arts and IT Centres into multi-purpose facilities, thereby increasing the utilization rates and hence the rental income. (b) 把藝術中心及資訊科技中心用途較 狹和使用率較低 的設施改 作多用途場地,從而 提高...
image2.setLeft(range2.getLeft()); image2.setWidth(range2.getWidth()); image2.setHeight(range2.getHeight()); image2.setPlacement(ExcelScript.Placement.twoCell);} MichelleRanMSFTSergeiBaklan Thank you both for taking the time to respond!🙂 teespolyglot Office ...
I've then modified my script to create a string variable, using getRange.getText() and then I'm passing that variable into the addImage() function functionmain(workbook:ExcelScript.Workbook,base64ImageString1:string,base64ImageString2:string){constsheet=workbook.getWorksheet("Outp...