Quick conversion chart of kW to cv1 kW to cv = 1.35962 cv5 kW to cv = 6.79811 cv10 kW to cv = 13.59622 cv15 kW to cv = 20.39432 cv20 kW to cv = 27.19243 cv25 kW to cv = 33.99054 cv30 kW to cv = 40.78865 cv40 kW to cv = 54.38486 cv...
The various units used to indicate this definition ("PS", "CV", "pk", and "ch") all translate to "horse power" in English. Metric horsepower, as a rule, is defined as 0.73549875 kW, or roughly 98.6% of mechanical horsepower.
The various units used to indicate this definition ("PS", "CV", "pk", and "ch") all translate to "horse power" in English. Metric horsepower, as a rule, is defined as 0.73549875 kW, or roughly 98.6% of mechanical horsepower.