Converter You are currently converting pressure units from kilopascal to physical atmosphere 1 kPa = 0.0098692326671601 atm kilopascal kPa physical atmosphere 0.0098692326671601 atm Conversion base : 1 kPa = 0.0098692326671601 atm Conversion base : 1 atm = 101.325 kPa ...
1.4 kPa = 143 kgf/m2 1.4 kPa = 0.000203 ksi 1.4 kPa = 29.2 lbf/ft2 1.4 kPa = 14 mbar 1.4 kPa = 10.5 mmHg 1.4 kPa = 1400 Pa 1.4 kPa = 0.203 psi 1.4 kPa = 10.5 torrs 1.4 kPa = 0.0138 atmosphere [standard] 1.4 kPa = 0.0143 atmosphere technical [at] ...
6.9 kPa = 0.001 ksi 6.9 kPa = 144 lbf/ft2 6.9 kPa = 69 mbar 6.9 kPa = 51.8 mmHg 6.9 kPa = 0.0069 MPa 6.9 kPa = 1 psi 6.9 kPa = 51.8 torrs 6.9 kPa = 0.0681 atmosphere [standard] 6.9 kPa = 0.0704 atmosphere technical [at] ...
Convert Kilopascals to Atmosphere Atm Standard (kPa in atm). Kilopascals and Atmosphere Atm Standard both are the units of PRESSURE. See the charts and tables conversion here!
Convert Kilopascals to Newton Per Square Meter (kPa in N/m2). Kilopascals and Newton Per Square Meter both are the units of PRESSURE. See the charts and tables conversion here!
You can do the reverse unit conversion from kPa to yoctobar, or enter any two units below:Enter two units to convert From: To: Common pressure conversionsyoctobar to technical atmosphere yoctobar to millimeter mercury yoctobar to dekapascal yoctobar to terapascal yoctobar to water column ...
You can do the reverse unit conversion from kPa to micrometer of mercury, or enter any two units below:Enter two units to convert From: To: Common pressure conversionsmicrometer of mercury to yottapascal micrometer of mercury to atmosphere micrometer of mercury to pascal micrometer of ...
A typical laboratory atmospheric pressure reading is 742 torr. Convert this value to (a) psi, (b) cm Hg, (c) inches Hg, (d) kPa, (e) atm, and (f ) ftH2O. Atmospheric Pressure:Atmospheric pressure is defined as the pressure ex...
Suppose at the sea level, the atmosphere pressure is standard atmosphere, which is 14.7 PSI, so: PSIG = PSI + 14.7 (at sea level). PSIG ↔ Kpa Conversion in Batch PSIG: Kpa: Note: Fill in one box to get results in the other box by clicking "Calculate" button. Data should ...
Converting 1 atm to Pa: How-To & Tutorial from Chapter 12 / Lesson 16 19K Units of atmosphere and pascals both measure pressure and can be converted to each other despite functioning in different ways. Learn the steps to arrive at a correct solution when converting an atmosphere to a ...