Along with conversion from KML to GeoJson, you can also check following conversions likeKML to Shp, KML to KMZ,KMZ to KML,KML to DXF, KML to Topojson,KML to GMLetc. IGISMAP to Convert KML to GeoJSON For KML to GeoJSON conversion, go toMapOG Converter Tool, after logging in with yo...
Shapefile Shp to KML KMZ Convert.Many times you may want to render your shapefile directly in Google Map and check the view. Or you may want to convert the shapefile shp to KML so that it becomes easy to program with Google Map API. You can also check the file with Google Earth by l...
Convert Shapefile to GeoJSON.Shapefile, ESRI made a standard vector file format which is largely adopted in the field of GIS by programmers and geographers . While GeoJSON is also an open standard format designed for Web which largely supported with GIS JavaScript API, other programming API and ...
You may also CheckShapefile to GeoJSON,Shapefile to KML,Shapefile to TopoJSON, etc conversion. Let me know if you find any problem in converting Shapefile to GeoPackage file, bycommenting belowin the box provided.