Convert JWK to PEM A simple utility written in Java + Camel to fetch a JWK Set from an IDP URL and then produce the Public Key. And RSA256 encrypt by public key. Usage: $ java -jar jwkset-encrypt-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar <URL> <Text>... Both http and https address are supported. ...
rsa-pem-to-jwk Getting Started Installation Running the tests, coverage, and style checks PEM Format Private Keys Public Keys API Reference rsaPemToJwk(pem, extraKeys, type) Parameters Usage Example rsa-pem-to-jwk Converts PEM encoded RSA public and private keys to theJWK (JSON Web Key)form...
I tested the script Sergei shared with the hardcoded base64 image, which worked fine when run through a flow, so I'm wondering if there may be an issue with how the image is being passed into the script. Would you be able to share the inputs of the "Run Script" a...