Convert JSON to PHP Object This program has a minute change of not setting the boolean flag to the PHP json_decode function. This will return a PHP stdClass object tree instead of an array. <?php// JSON string in PHP Array$jsonString='{"name":"Lion"}';$phpObject=json_decode($json...
options:It includes bitmask of JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY, JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING,, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR. Ex 1 – Convert JSON String to PHP array Let’s take the first example, here you will convert the JSON string to PHP array using the json_decode() function. See the example below: <?...
for you guys who have not heard, JSON stands for Javascript Object Notation. In simple terms, it’s a great way to JSON encode an array in Javascript, send it to the server, then JSON decode in PHP to get the array back.
json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true); More info: 0 Level 1 ludo1960 OP Posted 5 years ago Very quick answer, Array[0] is returned but there are more nested Arrays, how to access those? 0 Level 24 Subscriber hfalucas Poste...
Syntax:$demoArr = json_decode(json_encode($demoObj), true); Arrays in PHP There are three kinds of arrays in PHP: Numeric Array or Indexed Array Numeric Arrays or Indexed Arrays will refer to a number. The default indexing, like several other programming languages, begins from 0. ...
In PHP, you can use the json_decode() function to convert a JSON string into an array. Here is an example:$json_str = '{"name":"John", "age":30, "city":"New York"}';$obj = json_decode($json_str, true);echo $obj['name'];In this example, json_decode() function converts...
json_decode后 (after json_decode) <!--more--> array(5) { ["id"]=> float(5.7305287149375E+18) ["fullname"]=> string(6) "rourou" ["email"]=> NULL ["mobile"]=> string(11) "1391730***" ["description"]=> NULL } 处理方法(deal method) $...
php 长整型转字符串 (convert long to string) 问题描述:原始数据 (before deal){"id":5730528714937479169,"fullname":"rourou","email":null,"mobile":"1391730***","description":null}json_decode后 (after json_decode)array(5) { ["id"]=> float(5.7305287149375E+18) ["fullname"]=> string(6...
php 长整型转字符串 (convert long to string) 问题描述: 原始数据 (before deal) {"id":5730528714937479169,"fullname":"rourou","email":null,"mobile":"1391730***","description":null} json_decode后 (after json_decode) <!--more-->
To convert an associative array into a JSON String in PHP, calljson_encode()function and pass the associative array as argument. This function can take other optional parameters also that effect the conversion to JSON String. Syntax The syntax ofjson_decode()function is ...