The Miro PlantUML app leverages both the Miro Web SDK and REST API to demonstrate a Code > Diagram use case. More specifically, this app is based on the open-source Plant UML library used to draw UML diagrams from a plain text language. Leveraging thi
ApplicationConnectionDiagram ApplicationEnvironment ApplicationError ApplicationFlyout ApplicationGroup ApplicationInsights ApplicationOnlySequence ApplicationPrivate ApplicationRole ApplicationRoleError ApplicationRoleWarning ApplicationRoot ApplicationWarning ApplyCodeChanges ApplyStyle ArchitectureExplorer ArcPie ArcRing ArcSegmen...
In this paper, the authors propose a method converting the UML state chart formal description of the product to the virtual object model. The key feature of the method is the mapping event function which connects input signals and user actions. The method is hardware-free, so it is not ...
Mall. "An approach to convert XMI representation of UML 2. x interaction dia- gram into control ow graph". ISRN Software Engineering, pp. 1-22, 2012.Mall, Rajib. "An approach to convert XMI representation of UML 2. x interaction diagram into control flow graph." ISRN Software Engineering...
ApplicationConnectionDiagram ApplicationEnvironment ApplicationError ApplicationFlyout ApplicationGroup ApplicationInsights ApplicationOnlySequence ApplicationPrivate ApplicationRole ApplicationRoleError ApplicationRoleWarning ApplicationRoot ApplicationWarning ApplyCodeChanges ApplyStyle ArchitectureExplorer ArcPie ArcRing ArcSegm...
Mall. "An approach to convert XMI representation of UML 2. x interaction dia- gram into control ow graph". ISRN Software Engineering, pp. 1-22, 2012.Mall, Rajib. "An approach to convert XMI representation of UML 2. x interaction diagram into control flow graph." ISRN Software Engineering...
Learn more about the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Extensibility.ImageMoniker.KnownValues.ConvertFolderToBranch in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Extensibility namespace.
JustMyCode KagiChart KeepTargetVersion Key Keyboard KeyColumn KeyVault KeyVertical KeywordSnippet KPI KPIBrowserView KPIWarning Label LandingPage LanguagePackage Large LastHistoryCommand LaunchConditionsEditor LaunchInstrumentationTargetBinary LaunchSamplingTarget Layer LayerDiagram LayerFillSlider LayoutEditorPart...
ApplicationConnectionDiagram ApplicationEnvironment ApplicationError ApplicationFlyout ApplicationGroup ApplicationInsights ApplicationOnlySequence ApplicationPrivate ApplicationRole ApplicationRoleError ApplicationRoleWarning ApplicationRoot ApplicationWarning ApplyCodeChanges ApplyStyle ArchitectureExplorer ArcPie ArcRing Arc...
ApplicationConnectionDiagram ApplicationEnvironment ApplicationError ApplicationFlyout ApplicationGroup ApplicationInsights ApplicationOnlySequence ApplicationPrivate ApplicationRole ApplicationRoleError ApplicationRoleWarning ApplicationRoot ApplicationWarning ApplyCodeChanges ApplyStyle ArchitectureExplorer ArcPie ArcRing ArcSegmen...