Welcome! You've come to the right place if you want to turn your HTML template into a React or Next.js application. We can help because we have a ton of experience converting HTML templates to React.js. Our efficient process entails: Briefing Low Fidelity Prototyping and User Flows in the...
setting HTML from code is risky because it’s easy to inadvertently expose your users to a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack. So, you can set HTML directly from React, but you have to type out dangerouslySetInnerHTML and pass an object with a __html key, to remind yourself...
Code - HTML: <divid='para'><p>Paragraph 1</p><p>Paragraph 2</p></div> We need to get the document to be converted to JSON. In HTML, theidof the container to be converted ispara. Use thedocument.getElementById()method to return the document withparaid. Theparavariable stores the...
So what html-converter does is it removes any dangeroues tags like <script /> or alert (of course if you intend to have some dangerous tags in your code, you can completely disable sanitization or filter out those tags) Two main functions for converting: html-converter-react - Isomorphic ...
coderaiser •14.1.0•4 days ago•4dependents•MITpublished version14.1.0,4 days ago4dependentslicensed under $MIT 56,030 canvacord Easily generate images using html and css in nodejs. Canvacord is suitable for creating dynamic images such as social media posts, greetings cards, memes,...
<label htmlFor="name">Item:</label> <Field type="text"name="item"/> <button type="submit">Add Item</button> </Form> </Formik> </React.Fragment>); } hey are verbose and several lines of code. However, forms with Formik are much simpler. Formik maintains the state of inputs and...
MobiLoud is the best way to convert your JavaScript web app into a mobile app. You can do it without any rebuilding, and while maintaining a single codebase for all of your apps. Here’s how you can utilize familiar JavaScript, HTML and CSS code and still ship a feature-rich, nativ...
Why? While I've been working onUnder-the-hood-ReactJSI spent enormous amount of time on creating schemes. Each change in code or flowchart affects all entire scheme instantly, forcing you to move and align 'broken pieces'. Just repeated manual work... ...
SQL to SQLParquet to CSV ConverterParquet viewerAvro viewerJSON to Excel ConverterCSV to Excelbase 64 encryptorImage to base64 Formatters:PHP FormatterCSV editorXML FormatterJSON FormatterReact FormatterPython FormatterJavaScript formatterSQL formatterHTML Formatter Validators:Query builderJSON Schema Validator...
htmlToImage.toPng(node) .then(function(dataUrl){ letimg =newImage(); img.src = dataUrl; document.body.appendChild(img); }) .catch(function(error){ console.error('oops, something went wrong!'); console.log(error) }); }) This code does a few things: ...