Get immediate free currency rates and currency conversions for 34 currencies from central bank rates. Convert Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) to Australian Dollar (AUD)
For 150000 HKD, at the 2025-03-21 exchange rate, you will have 30724.99584 AUD Convert other quantities from Hong Kong Dollar to Australian Dollar HKD Convert AUD 1 HKD = 0.20483 AUD 1 AUD = 4.88202 HKD Back to the conversion of HKD to other currencies ...
1 港幣(HKD) = 0.2039 澳幣(AUD) 当前汇率:1 HKD = 0.2039 AUD | 澳幣兌換港幣匯率:1 AUD = 4.9037 HKD港幣兌換澳幣汇率更新時間:2025年03月26日 08:04 UTC+8 港幣 港幣或稱港元(Hong Kong Dollar 貨幣符號:HK$),是中國香港特別行政區的法定流通貨幣。港幣正式的ISO 4217簡稱為HKD;港幣10元鈔票和各種...
Exchange Hong Kong Dollars to Australian Dollars in-app, then save, spend, and send however you like — with great exchange rates and low fees. That's true global freedom. See how a little money can go a long way with Revolut. Amount HKD Converted to AUD Our current rate H$ 1 = $...
Check out our live HKD to AUD exchange rates, then easily convert Hong Kong Dollars to Australian Dollars in-app. Join 50+ million global customers who trust Revolut for currency exchange and international money transfers.
Convert 1000 Australian Dollar To Hong Kong Dollar Updated:10/03/2025 05:02UTC Currency: HKD - Hong Kong Dollar AUD - Australian Dollar Conversion Rate: 1 HKD =0.20404AUD 1 AUD =4.90092HKD Country: Hong Kong Australia Flag: Region:
Send HKD to AUD Looking to convert HKD to Australian Dollar? With CurrencyTransfer, converting HKD to Australian Dollar is simple. From small to large transfers of Hong Kong Dollar to Australian Dollar, CurrencyTransfer will be able to offer you the best possible rates – you could save as mu...
Convert Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) to United States Dollar(USD) using the currency converter with the latest foreign exchange rates. Today ( Tuesday 04/03/2025) 40 HKD = 5.14643 USD Bid Price:5.14386 Ask Price:5.14901 Convert 40 United States Dollar To Hong Kong Dollar ...
澳洲元(英語:Australian Dollar,簡寫A$或AUD)是澳洲、諾魯、吐瓦魯和吉里巴斯的貨幣單位。澳洲元簡稱澳幣,是澳洲聯邦的法定貨幣,由澳洲儲備銀行負責發行。澳幣在外匯市場上,為交易量世界第五大的流通貨幣。 港幣 港幣或稱港元(Hong Kong Dollar 貨幣符號:HK$),是中國香港特別行政區的法定流通貨幣。港幣正式的ISO 421...
Looking to convert AUD to Hong Kong Dollar? With CurrencyTransfer, converting AUD to Hong Kong Dollar is simple. From small to large transfers of Australian Dollar to Hong Kong Dollar, CurrencyTransfer will be able to offer you the best possible rates – you could save as much as 85% compa...