Convert JPY, at the 2025-02-06 exchange rate, to ILS Enter value to convert JPY Convert ILS 1 JPY = 0.02336 ILS 1 ILS = 42.81416 JPY Back to the conversion of JPY to other currencies Other amounts - From JPY to ILS Convert 1 JPY to ILS Convert 2 JPY to ILS Convert 5 JPY to ...
Convert Kanji (漢字) and Websites to Romaji or Hiragana (and translate Japanese to English, too). A resource for studying Japanese and kanji, improving vocabulary or reading manga & anime. With most nihongo (日本語), the translator has an accuracy rate of over 99%. ...
Convert JPY, at the 2025-02-06 exchange rate, to PLN Enter value to convert JPY Convert PLN 1 JPY = 0.02663 PLN 1 PLN = 37.54903 JPY Back to the conversion of JPY to other currencies Other amounts - From JPY to PLN Convert 1 JPY to PLN Convert 2 JPY to PLN Convert 5 JPY to ...
Not another romaji to katakana converter...? ...Not exactly. This one is different. It attempts to transliterate real natural English to katakana more accurately than most of the other transliterators out there. It does this by using a combination of dictionary lookup (from a database of mor...
Did you mean to convert ri [Japan] ri [Korea] to chinese inchesMore information from the unit converterHow many ri [Japan] in 1 chinese inches? The answer is 8.4876543209877E-6. We assume you are converting between ri [Japan] and chinese inch. You can view more details on each ...
2970 Japanese Yen to Chinese Yuan Convert 2970Japanese YentoChinese Yuanfrom Japan to China. currency converter uses exchange rates that are updated every 5-10 minutes. Find out more about theJPY CNY Exchange Rate, including a graph of historical pricing. We use mid-market ...
The Japanese Name Converter is a simple Android app that converts English names into their Japanese equivalents using a mix of dictionary lookup and machine learning. The machine learning algorithm is a variation of the Transformation-Based Learning (TBL) method invented by Eric Brill. You can rea...
When I started studying Japanese, it was very difficult to identify a Japanese text. I thought if a tool can convert Japanese to Romaji, then it will be good. After reading the Unicode range of Japanese characters, I got an idea to create the tool myself. There are a lot of tools ava...
Below is an example go file to test this module. It reads input from stdin, converts the English sentences into their Japanese transliteration and prints them to stdout. package main import ( "" "bufio" "fmt" "os" ) func main() { //...
" The caller must buy one of Docomo'spackages to be able to use itNTT Docomo will soon face competition fromFrance's Alcatel-Lucent which is developing a newproduct, WeTalk. It can deal with Japanese andabout a dozen other languages including English,French and Arabic. Alcatel-Lucent uses ...