模組: Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility 將.NET 物件轉換成可在網頁瀏覽器中顯示的 HTML。語法PowerShell 複製 ConvertTo-Html [-InputObject <PSObject>] [[-Property] <Object[]>] [[-Body] <String[]>] [[-Head] <String[]>] [[-Title] <String>] [-As <String>] [-CssUri <Uri>] [-Post...
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility 将.NET 对象转换为可以在 Web 浏览器中显示的 HTML。 语法 PowerShell ConvertTo-Html[-InputObject <PSObject>] [[-Property] <Object[]>] [[-Body] <String[]>] [[-Head] <String[]>] [[-Title] <String>] [-As <String>] [-CssUri <Uri>] [-PostContent <Strin...
PowerShell是一种跨平台的脚本语言和命令行工具,用于自动化任务和配置管理。它是Windows操作系统的一部分,可以与.NET框架无缝集成,提供了强大的管理和脚本编写能力。 在PowerShell中,ConvertTo-HTML是一个用于将数据转换为HTML格式的命令。它可以将数组成员显示为HTML表格的行。以下是如何在ConvertTo-HTML中显示数组成员...
PSVersion 5.1.19041.1320 示例 PSC:\Users\admin>Get-Alias|ConvertTo-Html|Out-Filealias.html 1. 浏览器中的显示效果 使用vscode对table标签进行折叠后的整体结构展示 学习资料 PowerShell 版本 + 工具 PowerShell/PowerShell 51CTO社区 感恩曾经帮助过 师万物 的人。 学有余力的话,可以了解具有...
Finally, we concatenate the$headerand$bodyvariables and save the complete HTML output to a file usingOut-File. Conclusion In this guide, we have explored how to use the ConvertTo-HTML command in PowerShell to generate HTML code based on different input data sources, and how to customize the...
PowerShell 脚本执行策略用于控制何时以及何种方式执行 PowerShell 脚本。通过执行策略可以限制 PowerShell ...
PowerShell Attempted to perform an unauthorised operation PowerShell Command to export a list of subsites from a site collection Powershell script to copy content with version history and metadata values PowerShell script to copy library files PowerShell Script to get all Users Permissions Powershel...
Package: Microsoft.PowerShell.5.1.ReferenceAssemblies v1.0.0 Provides access to the CssUri parameter. C++ 複製 public: property System::Activities::InArgument<Uri ^> ^ CssUri { System::Activities::InArgument<Uri ^> ^ get(); void set(System::Activities::InArgument<Uri ^> ^ value); }...
C:\PS>get-eventlog -log "Windows PowerShell" | convertto-html -property id, level, task Description --- This command uses the Get-EventLog cmdlet to get events from the "Windows PowerShell" event log. It uses a pipeline operator (|) to send the events to the ConvertTo-Html cmdlet,...
Finally, I’ll just go ahead and use the TaskScheduler module from PowerShellPack to make sure the email arrives every day. To do this, I’ll need to download the PowerShellPack to the machine I’ll be scheduling the task on. Scheduling a task wit...