是一个pygame的系列,翻译自will mcgugan的《beginning game development with python and pygame –from novice to professional》,有兴趣的朋友可以搜一下,有英文版的pdf可以下载。其实也不是翻译,把精华摘出来,共同学习。 看 这个系列需要有python的基础知识,虽然一开始想写一篇python概要的,有python入门,实在是很...
For the functions I tried, Pythran gives extremely good results. The resulting functions are as fast as well written Fortran code (or only slightly slower) and a little bit faster than the (quite optimized) Cython solution. The advantage compared to Cython is that you just have to use Pythra...
I have a question about converting from string to float in python and any python advice you can give about my code. I think the best way to show you my problem is to explain what I am doing. I have a txt file that is generated from a fortran program. This text file is of the...
filename_tensor_name# Unused by updated loading code.# 'input_checkpoint' may be a prefix if we're using Saver V2 formatifnotsaver_lib.checkpoint_exists(input_checkpoint):raiseValueError('Input checkpoint "'+ input_checkpoint +'" does not exist!')ifnotoutput...
code.# 'input_checkpoint' may be a prefix if we're using Saver V2 formatifnotsaver_lib.checkpoint_exists(input_checkpoint):raiseValueError('Input checkpoint "'+input_checkpoint+'" does not exist!')ifnotoutput_node_names:raiseValueError('You must supply the name of a node to --output_node...
Pure compiled language RINEX processors such as within Fortran NAPEOS give perhaps 2x faster performance than this Python program--that's pretty good for a scripted language like Python! However, the initial goal of this Python program was to be for one-time offline conversion of ASCII (and co...
order: specifies whether an array is row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran-style). Default: 'row-major'. By default, the function assumes a row-major array. To return a linear index for a column-major array, set the order option. var shape = [ 2, 2 ]; var opts = {};...
python3 bratu2d.py -impl fortran [0]PETSC ERROR: Unable to open display on :0.0 Make sure your COMPUTE NODES are authorized to connect to this X server and either your DISPLAY variable is set or you use the -display name option
case SQL_C_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND: case SQL_C_INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND: break; } return TDS_FAIL; } static TDS_INT convert_datetime2string(TDSCONTEXT *context,int srctype,TDS_CHAR *src, TDS_CHAR *dest,TDS_INT destlen) { struct tm src_tm; ...
Codeproject ComponentSource Source Forge Visual C# .Net Framework Amber Amber Android Android ASP.NET asp.net BluIce BluIce C++ Visual C++ GCC CCP4 CCP4 CentOS CentOS CHARMM CHARMM Coot Coot EPICS EPICS Fortran gfortran Gaussian Gaussian GNU GNU Gromacs Gromacs JAVA Sun...