首先,安装完要重启下电脑。如果重启完还不行,或者有mathtype选项,但是无法使用,就按下列操作:找到Mathtype安装目录下Office Support文件夹,将MathType Commands 6 For Word.dot复制到MS office安装目录下\office11\STARTUP文件夹中,应该就可以用了。
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而后调用ConvertEquation中的Convert方法完成它们两个所支持的文件格式的转换. 目前采用的方式是使用EquationInputFileText类从磁盘文件中读入MathML数据类型的数据,然后使用EquationOutputClipboardText输出到系统的剪切板中,从剪切板中获取到该公式的对象并写入到Word文档中,当文件读取并转换完成后,生成Wrod文档并保存. Intro...
Hey I had done the setup of server side and set wiriseditorsavemode to true, it started generating image from backend, but when I call ckeditorInst.getData() it still returns math ml code for math equation. I tried different configuration(base64, png, svg) but CK editor get data method...
No human intervention with data. NO re-keying. NO scanning. Data integrity guaranteed!! We custom build a TagWrite application to meet the specific needs of your project and run each conversion project under software driven quality control....
No human intervention with data. NO re-keying. NO scanning. Data integrity guaranteed!! We custom build a TagWrite application to meet the specific needs of your project and run each conversion project under software driven quality control....