This, that you say is "best answer", is the same solution that was posted 23 months earlier at Also, at the time of the original question, compose(...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Due to the different lengths of all the entries you can not easily store them in a matrix, but as a column vector it will work easy: T_mon_new = [T_mon{1,:}]; T_mon_new = vertcat(T_mon_new{1,:}); ...
(with the elements i need) in "cell" format; then i use the command "str2double" to get the number (integer) i need in a format i can use to made my statistc analysis. now, i need to analize other data: these are not integer but decimal separated by comma (,) so, when i ...
The following error occurred converting from cell to double: Error using double Conversion to double from cell is not possible. Sign in to comment. Image Analyst on 3 Jan 2014 Vote 0 Link Open in MATLAB Online Try this to concatenate cells to make a cell array: ThemeCopy % Create 3 ... 댓글 수: 3 이전 댓글 1개 표시 dpb 2018년 8월 17일 Well, that's entirely different than being categorical. Yuvaraj Venkataswamy 2018년 8월 17일 From double to cell conversi...
Thank you Azzi for your answers but I will finely use the code of Andrei. Your code works but I wanted to have a completely automatic one (if you don't know how many dimensions they are in "a", we can not do the conversion with your code ...
I try to convert a sting cell array in an integer array. My string array contains basically integers but some values have an additional A/B/C sufix (e.g. 12A or 14C). So I want to replace the A/B/C with .1/.2/.3 to have only double values. I would be grateful for any help...
fx_cell = arrayfun(@(eqn) double(subs(sol.x, sol.parameters, solve(eqn))).', eqns,'uniform', 0); fx = vertcat(fx_cell{:}); plot(cvals, fx) There are two real solutions for each c value, at least in the range being worked over. ...
r = cell(1:n); %DH parameters fprintf('Enter DH parameters for each link: '); for i = 1:n joint_type = num2str(input('\nIs link prismatic or revolute, enter p or r: ','s')); t1 = 'r'; t2 = 'p'; tcomp1 = strcmp(joint_type, t1...
Added a new feature, double-click the output textarea to select all. Remember the selected cells when adding, deleting, and modifying the table. Optimize selected cell style. v1.1.8 Fixed issue: failure when importing from JSON containing fields that are not strings. ...