Method 1 – Convert Column Number to Letter in Excel Consider the following dataset which we will be using as our example to convert column number to letter by applying the formula. Select a Cell: Choose the cell where you want the result to appear. Formula: The generic formula to ...
思路:先用数组对象,下标1-26对应存储字符A-Z,.然后把excel列数字 看成二十六进制的数 二十六进制,11表示27,12表示28.然后从数组对象里查询到:1对应的是A,.2对应的是B.这样11改成AA,12改成AB。 测试反例: 52 的26进制应该是 20 而excel中52列是AZ,与二十六进制结果不对应。尽管A*26^1+Z*26^0 与2*...
So there’s no function that converts the excel column number to column letter directly. But we can combine SUBSTITUTE function with ADDRESS function to get the column letter using column index. Generic Formula =SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,column_number,4),1,””) ...
Cells[1, 50] as Excel.Range; colLetter = range.Address[false, false, XlReferenceStyle.xlA1]; colLetter = colLetter.Replace("1", ""); MessageBox.Show(String.Format( "Column letter for column number 50 is : {0}", colLetter)); } finally { if (sheet != null) Marshal.Release...
I forgot about the maximum number of columns.Bernie, that looks more like Visual Basic, not C#. I'm afraid I don't understand what you code snippet is trying to do.Tony, I need to convert the column number into a column letter because later in my code I assign an equation to a ...
How to return column number in Excel To convert a column letter to column number in Excel, you can use this generic formula: COLUMN(INDIRECT(letter&"1")) For example, to get the number of column F, the formula is: =COLUMN(INDIRECT("F"&"1")) ...
This tutorial will demonstrate how to convert a column number to its corresponding letter in Excel. To convert a column number to letter we will use the ADDRESS and the SUBSTITUTE Functions. =SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(3,B3,4),"3","") The formula above returns the column letter in the position ...
Let’s see an example to make things clear. Example: Create an excel column letter to number converter Here we have some column letters in B2:B5. We want to get corresponding column number (1, 2, 3, etc.) from that given letter (A, B, C, etc.). ...
Get Excel VBA code to convert Column Letter to number. The Formula & Excel vba code will get column alphabet letter & return the Column number as value.
Convert single letter to a number in each cell To convert single letter to a number in each Excel cell, you can use below formula. Generic formula: COLUMN(INDIRECT(cell_reference&1)) Arguments Cell_reference: the cell that contains the letter you want to convert to number. ...