I aim to get at least 2 cents in value out of each frequent flyer point or mile I redeem across various programs. This is approximately thevalue that we pegthe major issuers' currencies at, includingChase Ultimate Rewards pointsandCapital One miles. Southwest Rapid Rewardspoints' fixed redemptio...
Chase Marriott可以降級成一個年費$45的廢柴卡(不送年度 free night),還不如不降級。 其他聯名卡可能也有對應的無年費廢柴卡版本,歡迎提供 data points! Citi Citi 的卡可以無視系列互相轉,因此 Citi 的轉卡特別給力,以下列出幾個值得考慮的轉卡選項: Citi Double Cash (DC)。這個卡是個很值得長期持有的卡,而...