If A is a character vector, then B is a string scalar. If A is a cell array of character vectors, then B is a string array that has the same size. If A is a character array with multiple rows, then the columns of A are concatenated and B is returned as a string scalar. For ...
Syntax words = string(document)Description example words = string(document) converts a scalar tokenizedDocument to a string array of words.Examples collapse all Convert Document to String Copy Code Copy Command Convert a scalar tokenized document to a string array of words. Get document = tokeniz...
Conversion From MultiByte to Unicode character set conversion to void * in C and C++ Conversions from DWORD to Char[] Convert _TCHAR* variable to CString Convert a DLL to static Lib convert BYTE to _TCHAR Convert char * to LPCTSTR Convert char* to System::String^ convert const char * to...
Convert a character vector containingtrueandfalseto a logical array. X = str2num('false true true false') X =1x4 logical array0 1 1 0 Check Conversion Status Return the status of a conversion that fails.tfis0, andXis an empty matrix. ...
Convert a character vector containing true and false to a logical array. Get X = str2num('false true true false') X = 1x4 logical array 0 1 1 0 Check Conversion Status Copy Code Copy Command Return the status of a conversion that fails. tf is 0, and X is an empty matrix. Get ...
Comparing strings using == compares element by element and returns a logical vector (where here you want a single logical value). String comparison, strcmp(), will compare the entire strings instead and return a single value. It's also probably not necessary for you to convert your cell ...
Convert to Logical Convert a character vector containingtrueandfalseto a logical array. X = str2num('false true true false') X =1x4 logical array0 1 1 0 Check Conversion Status Return the status of a conversion that fails.tfis0, andXis an empty matrix. ...
a maximum of N successive negative values in F are to be converted to 0 with all the possible remaining negative values, if any, unaffected? If so, the example you should have used ought to have demonstrated that behavior. In any case, here is code that...
http://matlab.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ#How_can_I_create_variables_A1.2C_A2.2C...2CA10_in_a_loop.3F 編
Convert String Arrays to Character Arrays Create a string scalar and convert it to a character vector. str ="Mercury" str = "Mercury" chr = convertStringsToChars(str) chr = 'Mercury' Convert a string array to a cell array of character vectors. ...