ACH = CFM x 60/Area x Heightceiling Total Heat (BTU/hr.) = 4.5 x CFM x Δh (std. air) Sensible Heat (BTU/hr) = 1.1 x CFM x Δt (std. air) Latent Heat (BTU/hr) = 0.69 x CFM x Δgr. (std. air) 1 HP = 746 Watts ...
Let’s say we want to convert 100 m3/h to CFM. Just slide the slider to ‘100’ and you get the result: 100 m3/h is equal to58.86 CFM. Note:m3/hr can also be abbreviated as CHM. That means that CHM to CFM conversion is the same as meter cube per hour to CFM, ie: 1 CHM ...
COP = 12 / (kW/ton) / 3.412 EER = 12 / (kW/ton) EER = COP x 3.412 If the efficiency of a chiller is rated to 1 kW/ton, then COP = 3.52 EER = 12 Cooling Load in - kW/ton The term kW/ton is commonly used for larger commercial and industrial air-conditioning, he...
Dear all How to convert natural gas consumption from Gcal/hour to ton/hour p=41 bar(g) T=38 c° CONSUMPTION=100 Gcal/h [link
thanks a ton! Arun Sort by date Sort by votes Apr 4, 2010 1 #2 stefanwagner Programmer Oct 19, 2003 2,373 DE Code: sed '3s/\(.*\)/ \1 (Referee)/;' file | tr "\n" "," This will change line 4 (substitute) and tr (translate) changes the linebrakes to comma. The...
6.68459×10-22AU, UAastronomical unit 10×107amattometer 1.1811×10-8barleycorn (UK) 1.88973a0,bbohr (first Bohr radius) 2.73403×10-12bolt (US cloth) 4.72441×10-8line (UK)button (UK) 1.5748×10-7line (US)button (US) 5.39957×10-13cable length (int.) ...