ArkTS不支持通过索引访问字段,那通过new convertXml.ConvertXML().convertToJSObject()返回的js对象属性...
[CDATA[a & b]]></bio>\n"+" </staff>\n"+"</company>";publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){// String to XML DocumentDocumentdocument=convertStringToXml(str);// XML Document to StringStringxml=convertXmlDocumentToString(document); System.out.println(xml); }privatestaticStringconvertXmlDocume...
textKey: "_text", cdataKey: "_cdata", doctypeKey: "_doctype", commentKey: "_comment", parentKey: "_parent", typeKey: "_type", nameKey: "_name", elementsKey: "_elements" } let result = JSON.stringify(conv.convertToJSObject(xml, options)); console.log(result); } catch (e) {...
CDATAis not supported. Only pre-defined entity references are supported (<, >, &, ', "). Converter User Guide To convert XML data: Drag and dropyourXML fileor copy / paste your XML directly into the "XML" editor above. As soon as the editor detects avalid XML, it displays the resu...
Convert XML data strings to JSON objects. Save XML and share conversion results online. Parse XML elements, attributes, texts, and comments. Process CDATA, DOCTYPE, XML declarations, and XML processing instructions. Preserve the order of elements in XML. Works right in your browser without sendi...
XmlCDataSection XmlCharacterData XmlComment XmlConvert XmlConvert 构造函数 方法 DecodeName EncodeLocalName EncodeName EncodeNmToken IsNCNameChar IsPublicIdChar IsStartNCNameChar IsWhitespaceChar IsXmlChar IsXmlSurrogatePair ToBoolean ToByte ToChar ToDateTime ToDateTimeOffset ToDecimal ToDouble ToGuid ToInt...
$array= ['Good guy'=> ['name'=> ['_cdata'=>'Luke Skywalker'],'weapon'=>'Lightsaber'],'Bad guy'=> ['name'=>'Sauron','weapon'=>'Evil Eye'] ];$result= ArrayToXml::convert($array); This code will result in: <?xmlversion="1.0"?> ...
textKey: "_text", cdataKey: "_cdata", doctypeKey: "_doctype", commentKey: "_comment", parentKey: "_parent", typeKey: "_type", nameKey: "_name", elementsKey: "_elements" } let result =JSON.stringify(conv.convertToJSObject(xml,options)); ...
(ms, list); ms.Position = 0; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(ms); return doc; } public static void Test() { List<int> l1 = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; Console.WriteLine(l1.SerializeToXmlDoc().OuterXml); List<string> l2 = new List<string> { "hello",...
$array= ['Good guy'=> ['name'=> ['_cdata'=>'Luke Skywalker'],'weapon'=>'Lightsaber'],'Bad guy'=> ['name'=>'Sauron','weapon'=>'Evil Eye'] ];$result= ArrayToXml::convert($array); This code will result in: <?xmlversion="1.0"?> ...