We assume you are converting between pound/bushel [US, dry] and kilogram/litre. You can view more details on each measurement unit: lb/bushel or kilogram/liter The SI derived unit for density is the kilogram/cubic meter. 1 kilogram/cubic meter is equal to 0.077688851776762 lb/bushel, or ...
Convert the mass of a bushel of oats, 32.0 pounds, to kilograms. A bushel of corn weighs 56 pounds. What is this weight in kilograms? Convert 1.19x10^16 grams to tons. (1 ton = 2000 lbs, 1 pound = 454 g) Convert 175 lbs to kilograms. Use (1 kg = 2.2 lb). How do ...
语法CONVERT(number,from_unit,to_unit)Number 是以from_unit为单位的需要进行转换的数值。From_unit 是数值的单位。To_unit 是结果的单位。CONVERT接受from_unit和to_unit的以下文本值(引号中):度量系统体重和...
Example 11 – Volume Conversion: Cubic Feet (ft3) to U.S. Oil Barrel (Barrel) Volume Units VolumeUnit Cubic angstrom “ang3” or “ang^3” U.S. oil barrel “barrel” U.S. bushel “bushel” Cubic feet “ft3” or “ft^3” Cubic inch “in3” or “in^3” Cubic light-year “ly...
Weight unit conversion : gram (g), kilogram (kg), grain (gr), ounce (oz), pound (lb), short ton (ston) Temperature unit conversion : Celsius, Fahrenheit, Reaumur, Kelvin Fluid unit conversion : milliliter (ml), liter (l), ounce (oz), pint (pt), gallon (gal), bushel (bu) ...
“bushel” 立方英尺 “ft3”或“ft^3” 立方英寸 “in3”或“in^3” 立方光年 “ly3”或“ly^3” 立方米 “m3”或“m^3” 立方码 “yd3”或“yd^3” 立方海里 “Nmi3”或“Nmi^3” 立方皮卡 “Picapt3”或“Picapt^3”或者“Pica3”或“Pica^3” ...
“bushel” 立方英尺 “ft3”或“ft^3” 立方英寸 “in3”或“in^3” 立方光年 “ly3”或“ly^3” 立方米 “m3”或“m^3” 立方码 “yd3”或“yd^3” 立方海里 “Nmi3”或“Nmi^3” 立方皮卡 “Picapt3”或“Picapt^3”或者“Pica3”或“Pica^3” ...
“bushel” 立方英尺 “ft3″或”ft^3” 立方英寸 “in3″或”in^3” 立方光年 “ly3″或”ly^3” 立方米 “m3″或”m^3” 立方英里 “mi3″或”mi^3” 立方码 “yd3″或”yd^3” 立方海里 “Nmi3″或”Nmi^3” 立方皮卡 “Picapt3″、”Picapt^3″、”Pica3″或”Pica^3” ...
Drag theFill Handleicon to fill the other cells with the formulas. This fills in all the results. Example 2 – Distance Conversion: Meter (m) to Yard (yd) Distance Units We put the distance in meters in cells in column C, starting with C5. ...